I suddenly really like coffee.
Growing up in a household with parents that only bought Starbuck's darkest roast coffee made liking coffee hard to do. It was so bitter and so raw and I hated the taste it left in my mouth, and that was with cream and sugar. My parents liked it black. Darkest of dark, blackest of black, every day.
Now I don't like it like that, and I don't know if I ever will, but I write all this adjacent to a little peach colored mug full of the stuff. It's also a Starbucks dark roast (it's what was in the house) and lightened up with a touch of peppermint mocha creamer and a Stevia in the Raw packet. I sit here writing this, and every time I take a sip I can't help but think,
"Wow, I really like coffee."
And truthfully, I've liked it for a little while now, but as a now and again thing, not an every day thing. I've had at least one cup of coffee everyday for the past two weeks, and I'm loving every sip.
I wonder what changed.